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/ pitch tracking & karaoke scoring
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4TUNE automatically detects the pitch of a singer (low latency real-time pitch tracking) and rates the pitch deviation from a given score.
The 4TUNE SDK is designed specifically for karaoke apps especially on mobile devices. It features a low latency pitch tracking using the same technology as used in the ELASTIQUE TUNE combined with an easy to use interface.
The concept of the SDK is to provide the developer of a karaoke (or similar) application easy integration of the signal processing part of the application without much knowledge of the signal processing underneath.
In order to operate the 4Tune SDK only the karoake backing track and some knowledge about the melody to be sung is needed.
/ Audio-to-audio alignment kit
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AtAAK! is a technology for the automatic alignment of two audio files of similar content. Examples for applications are:
- adjustment of timing between different tracks
- adjustment of tempo for the editing of takes in classical music
- automatic synchronization of overdubbed with original speech
The AtAAK! process is split into two phases, the Analysis stage and the Processing stage. During the analysis, the similarity over time of different points in time between both audio signals is being computed. In contrast to other algorithms, the user may chose whether the files might be similar with respect to to the four categories Pitch, Timbre, Loudness and Onset times.
This allows very flexible uses: while the pitches might differ between the lead vocal and the backing vocal line, they can be very similar with respect to loudness envelope and note onset times. Vice versa, different performances of the same piece of music might not be very similar in the Timbre-domain. After calculating the similarity in the four different domains between the two audio files, the relative tempo changes over time are extracted by finding the most likely solution given the similarity measure.
The following synthesis step then applies the high quality élastique Pro time stretching to the one of the signals resulting of perfectly synchronized signals.
audio example 1
This example demonstrates the alignment of two classical string quartet performances. The first snippet contains the original two performances, each in one audio channel. The second snipped again contains the same performances but with the second performance automatically aligned to the first.
audio example 2
This example demonstrates the alignment of two classical string quartet performances. The first snippet contains the original two performances, each in one audio channel. The second snipped again contains the same performances but with the second performance automatically aligned to the first.
/ tempo & beat tracking at its best
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AUFTAKT is an automatic BPM (beats per minute) detection recognizing the tempo of any audio input signal. Furthermore, the location of the beats is detected (beat grid). Tempo and beat location information are useful for playlist generation, beat matched mixing, for automatic generation of high-level meta data information (e.g. ID-Tags) and several other areas of application..
Other than previous implementations AUFTAKT v4 relies on deep neural networks and state of the art statistical models to take beat tracking to a new level. The network has been trained with various music ranging from western pop music to classical and even ethnical music as well as single loops and guitars in order to broaden the range of trackable music stlyes. AUFTAKT v4 has improved detection rates by more than 30% across all genres, and even more than 40% on complex jazz music compared to its previous versions.
AUFTAKT is able to track tempo variations and changes as well as time signature changes.
Features of AUFTAKT V4:
- Highly improved tempo detection and beat tracking ability
- Improved downbeat detection
- Ability to track abrupt tempo changes
- Ability to track time signature and time signature changes.
- Possibility to set multiple correction points for improved tracking.
Used by
abletonLive 5-9
acousticaDJ Twist and Burn
MixCraft 3.x
algoriddimdjay 2,3,4 - Mac
djay 1,2 - iPad
vjay - iPad
choreoChoreo Score
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IK MultimediaRiff Maestro
Image-LineFL Studio
Microsoftremix project
NextAudio LabsRekord Buddy
Power Music
SuperMega UltraGroovyCapo
UtabUtab webapp
Zound Industries
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BARBEATQ provides automatic cue point detection. It analyzes the content of a music signal and outputs a sequence of time stamps identifying the most prominent changes in the audio. BARBEATQ furthermore compares the regions between the cue points and groups the most similar regions.
BARBEATQ can be used in two different modes: Without and with extra beat information. Without beat information there will be many more cue points and corresponding regions with varying timing precision. With beat information the results are on a higher level and always beat and bar synchronized and thus more useful for musical and DJ application. Zplane's AUFTAKT beat tracking SDK seamlessly integrates with BARBEATQ, but the algorithm can also be provided with beat information from a different source such as a fixed beat grid.
BARBEATQ is an offline process which means it requires the complete audio file as input and outputs the cue point sequence result only after the file has been processed in its entirety.
Colored wave form
/ easy made waveform displays
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The COLOREDWAVEFORM SDK eases the generation of waveform displays. The SDK enables real-time display on screen as well as image generation, e.g. for use in a web environment. The SDK currently provides two types of waveforms: a standard monochrome waveform and a multicolored waveform that colors the waveform along the horizontal axis based onthe momentary frequency content. Various envelope types provide control over the way audio samples are summarized when displaying the waveform.
/ Industry-leading time stretching & pitch shifting
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zplane's ELASTIQUE family offers three different time-stretching (aka time-scaling, master tempo or key lock) and pitch shifting (aka pitch scaling or key lock) engines, optimized for different use cases: ELASTIQUE PRO, ELASTIQUE EFFICIENT, and ELASTIQUE TUNE. All three of them are able to run in realtime.
ELASTIQUE PRO is a general purpose time-stretching engine that offers unmatched quality and easily fulfills the high quality demands of professional productions and broadcast applications. The time-stretching engine is based on state-of-the-art psychoacoustic models and signal processing theory. ELASTIQUE PRO is based on a completely new approach to time-stretching, making stretching artifacts obsolete and thus providing sharp transients and crystal clear vocals without phasing artifacts. ELASTIQUE PRO offers stable timing, inter-channel phase coherence and sample accurate stretching. As a special feature, ELASTIQUE PRO allows you to do formant preserving pitch shifting not only for monophonic, but also for polyphonic audio to avoid the well-known mickey-mouse effect when pitching up or down. Last but not least, all of this can be done in real-time on current CPUs.
Pro is the pitch shifting engine used in our ELASTIQUE PITCH plugin.
Additionally, the ELASTIQUE PRO SDK package makes ELASTIQUE EFFICIENT and 2 additional monophonic modes accessible through the same API to make integration of different processing modes as easy as possible.
ELASTIQUE EFFICIENT gives you great time-stretching quality at a stunning workload efficiency. The algorithm is targeted at complex polyphonic signals like complete mixes etc. efficient uses specifically developed technologies to efficiently detect tonal and transient components with high accuracy in the frequency and time domain and offers the same transient preservation as it big brother ELASTIQUE PRO.
It furthermore offers different mechanisms to improve performance even more: the processing can be split into several parts in order to avoid workload peaks at low latencies and the overall bandwidth can be reduced in order to save more processing power (at the price of a slightly decreased quality level).
ELASTIQUE TUNE is a time and pitch correction technology for monophonic audio signals.
Tune gives high level access to musical parameters. Edit your audio like MIDI. Based on a simple and easy to use interface it offers numerous editing options based on pitch objects which correspond closely to the musical concept of notes. The SDK provides the functionality for Audio-to-MIDI conversion as well as a synthesis class to control the playback while applying all parameters for time and pitch manipulation in real-time. The interface offers two parameter groups, one controlling overall melody properties and the other controlling parameters of each individual note.
When you're interested in an easy to use SDK for pitch correction check out our ELASTIQUE TUNE SDK.
ELASTIQUE TUNE is the pitch shifting used in our instant harmony plugin VIELKLANG.
real-time time stretching | yes | yes | no |
formant preserving | yes | no | yes |
best quality for | any | polyphonic, general music input | monophonic input |
phase coherence between channels | yes | yes | yes |
absolute timing stability | yes | yes | nearly |
separation of analysis and synthesis | no | no | yes |
supported samplerates | 32kHz .. 384kHz | 32kHz .. 384kHz | 32kHz .. 384kHz |
supported # of channels | 48 | 48 | 2 |
optimizations | SSE1-4.1, AVX, NEON | SSE1-4.1, AVX, NEON | SSE1-4.1, AVX, NEON |
workload | medium | low | analysis:low, synthesis: negligible |
typical apps | all | key lock, beat matching, master tempo | pitch correction, vocal editing, sample players, speech |
Used by
abletonLive 5-9
acousticaDJ Twist and Burn
MixCraft 3.x
algoriddimdjay 2,3,4 - Mac
djay 1,2 - iPad
vjay - iPad
atomixvirtual dj
best serviceengine
east westsample player
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IK MultimediaRiff Maestro
Groovemaker 2
Image-LineFL Studio
inMusicAkai MPC
Microsoftsurface remix project
Native InstrumentsTraktor
PG MusicBand in a Box
PresonusStudio One
Wavemachine LabsAuria Pro
/ Tweak your convolution reverb
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Convolution-based reverbs are more and more replacing algorithms that generate synthetic reverberation tails. In daily use however, a frequent disadvantage of convolution reverbs is the lack of parameters to fine-tune the properties of the reverb you are working with, i.e. the adjustment of reverberation time, the usage of different settings for the early reflections and late reverberation etc.
The espace SDK provides the technology to overcome those disadvantages by offering both, the sonic quality of an IR-based reverb together with the possibility to actually parametrize the properties of the impulse response, resulting in a parametric convolution reverb.
This is done by a sophisticated analysis of the imported impulse response that enables espace to handle early reflections differently than the late reverberation tail. Then, both resulting parts of the impulse response can be processed individually given the following set of main parameters:
- gain/envelope
- length
- pitch
- filter
that are provided together with a standard set of parameters like
- pre-delay
- dry/wet
- stereo spread
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Native InstrumentsKontakt V2
Kontakt V3
/ EQs, delay effects & dynamics processing
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The fx::pack SDK is a bundle of filters and effects that are required as standard effects in high quality audio software products. The implementation provides a range of ready to use effects with low workload.
- filters: lowpass (1st/2nd order), highpass (1st/2nd order), shelving (1st/2nd order), bandpass (2nd order), notch (2nd order), peak (2nd order)
- special filters: resonance lowpass (four pole), with LFO modulation
- delay, with LFO modulation
- chorus, flanger, phaser
- bit crusher
- dynamics processing: compressor, expander, limiter, gate (one-band, side-chain)
Used by
algoriddimdjay 2,3,4 - Mac
djay 1,2 - iPad
vjay - iPad
/ Low Latency, natural-sounding pitch correction & modification
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INTONE is a formant-preserving, low-latency pitch correction and shifting algorithm designed to work in real time with monophonic vocal and instrumental recordings. INTONE is controlled by multiple parameters that enable a great palette of sonic results, ranging from natural-sounding correction that preserves expressive characteristics such as vibrato, all the way to the hyper-corrected vocals known and loved by fans of pop, hip hop, and trap. It is also possible to use INTONE as a pitch shifter or a harmonizer.
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Kort analyzes the harmonic content of music of music recordings and returns the chords with their corresponding time stamps. Choose between Basic Mode that recognizes only major and minor chords, or Extended Mode that features a larger set of chord types containing between three and four pitches. The chords can be aligned with beat times from different sources, e.g. a fixed beat grid. Or you can use zplane's AUFTAKT beat tracking SDK that seamlessly integrates with KORT. KORT is an offline process which means it requires the complete audio file as input and also returns the result once the file has been completely analyzed.
New in version 2
- Improved chord analysis using Deep Neural Networks
- Detection has improved more than 20%, especially on more complex chords (extended set)
- Improvements have been made possible without sacrificing performance
Used by
IK MultimediaRiff Maestro
PresonusStudio One
/ loudness measurement & peak metering
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The METERING SDK allows sample-accurate level monitoring with different monitoring modes:
- True Peak Metering
- VU
In addition to these more traditional (peak) metering options, the Metering SDK also offers the following loudness measurements and is fully compliant to the the recent loudness recommendation EBU-R128:
- Leqa
- ITU-R BS.1770
- EBU R128
Used by
algoriddimdjay 2,3,4 - Mac
djay 1,2 - iPad
vjay - iPad
Image-LineFL Studio
/ Advanced Audio-to-MIDI Transcription
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Enhance your product with state-of-the-art audio-to-MIDI technology. Powered by advanced neural networks, PITCHES transcribes pitch and velocity with exceptional accuracy in an offline process. It captures both single instruments and full audio mixes as a single pitch stream (no instrument separation).
PITCHES delivers performance on par with state-of-the-art research models like MT3+, validated through extensive in-house evaluations. Using industry-standard tools like mir_eval alongside our own custom metrics, we rigorously tested the algorithm on diverse, real-world audio material — and the results speak for themselves. PITCHES consistently provides high-fidelity MIDI output, preserving pitch, timing, and dynamics with exceptional precision.
Beyond MIDI conversion, PITCHES unlocks new opportunities for key detection, chord analysis, structure identification, and other forms of musical analysis, making it a powerful tool for music software and audio applications.
Take Your Product to the Next Level with PITCHES.
/ Adaptive Audio Restauration
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The RESTORE SDK cleans audio from background noise and clicks. It enhances the sound quality of digitized analog recordings (e.g. from vinyl, shellac discs, analog audiotapes or noisy recordings). The denoiser can reduce both stationary and non-stationary noise in audio and speech signals without the need for a pre-calculated noise fingerprint. RESTORE’s de-clicking algorithm removes click sounds. Both algorithms can work adaptively, meaning they can work without user interaction and are capable of real-time processing.
New in version 1.2
- Redesigned denoising algorithm
- On par with the best in industry
- Now very transparent at high denoising levels, especially with vocals - no spectral artifacts!
The audio restoration algorithms are available on PC, MAC and Linux devices as well as on all mobile platforms.
/ when c major should be c# minor
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RETUNE is zplane's real-time multi-pitch modification tool. It enables shifts of pitches belonging to the same pitch class to any other pitch class (e.g. a shift of all Cs to C#s). This enables a transformation of the input audio from any input key to any output key (e.g. from C major to C# minor). Since each pitch class can be mapped arbitrarily to any other pitch class, mappings not only include major and minor input and output keys, but any other scale such as church modes or pentatonic scales. RETUNE runs in real time and the pitch mapping can likewise be modified online during processing.
In addition to the mapping of individual pitches, RETUNE can correct each pitch by mapping notes to the nearest semitone thereby eliminating inaccurate intonation. The API provides control over various parameters such as the sensitivity of the pitch detection, the detection of transients as well as the smoothing of the pitch contour.
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/ High quality reverberation
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Reverb is a reverberation SDK that has been thoroughly tuned with respect to sonic quality. Decorrelation and diffusity of the both stereo channels are very important for the resulting room impression; for this reason, a great effort was made with a detailed investigation of real impulse responses resulting in an optimal model for decorrelation and diffusity. The early reflections part is modeled with a mirror image source method. To allow the user to choose the best trade-off between quality and performance, z.reverb offers 4 quality modes with significant difference in the produced workload.
Besides several presets, the SDK offers complete control over the internal parameters, e.g.:
- reverberation time: the length of the reverberation tail
- pre delay: the delay of the reverberation tail
- wetness: the ratio of dry and wet signal in the mixture
- high cut: the highest reverberation frequency
- ER/LR gain: the gain in dB of early and late reverberation
- bass boost: the gain of low reverberation frequencies
- diffusion: the diffusity of the reverberation
- liveliness: the liveliness of reverberation
Used by
acousticaDJ Twist and Burn
MixCraft 3.x
LOUD TechnologiesMackie DL series
PresonusStudio One
/ High performance audio stem separation
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STEMS is our family of stem generation algorithms that is capable of separating any mono/stereo mixture into vocals, bass, drums, and ”other” (4 stems in total). Additionally, enhancement neural processing can be applied to further enhance each of the resultings stems. The enhancement is optional for each stem separately and let's you better balance performance and quality. Furthermore run our STEMS algorithms at standard latency of 2800 ms in contrast to the usual 12 sec latency. This enables fast reaction times even on slower CPUs.
STEMS PRO is our high quality version and balances quality and performance to run on desktop applications. In standard mode it is about 12 times realtime on a Apple Silicon M1 chip using only the CPU and maintains the highest industry standards in realtime stems processing.
STEMS EFFICIENT runs on low-performance CPUs, and is much faster than other available stem separation algorithms while offering competitive quality. It is approx. 34 times faster th
/ key detection and concert pitch estimation
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TONART key detection automatically determines the key signature of any audio input signal, either monophonic or polyphonic. Key recognition can be useful in mixing applications to check if the keys of different tracks are "compatible" or for automatic generation of high-level meta data information (e.g. ID-Tags). As a special feature, TONART also detects the tuning frequency, or standard (concert) pitch of the input signal.
With v3 of TONART the detection algorithm has been completely redesigned. TONART v3 has now more than 50% better accuracy than the previous version putting it on par with the state of the art. We've also added an optimized analysis mode for electronic dance music which sometimes has less obvious keys. Finally the tuning frequency detection has been made more reliable and the API has been simplified.
Used by
acousticaDJ Twist and Burn
MixCraft 3.x
algoriddimdjay 2,3,4 - Mac
djay 1,2 - iPad
vjay - iPad
Image-LineFL Studio
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Microsoftsurface remix project
Nextaudio LabsRekord Buddy
SuperMega UltraGroovyCapo